Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Chernobyl Essays (1039 words) - San Ciro De Acosta,
Chernobyl La era nuclear empieza a partir de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, a 50 a?os de este suceso hist?rico, dos ciudades nuevas se han levantado de las cenizas at?micas de esta catastr?fica guerra. En una de estas ciudades, Chernobyl, a diez a?os de la explosi?n nuclear, poblaciones enteras han sido abandonadas alrededor del reactor destruido, para escapar del agua y del alimento contaminados producidos en el suelo que una vez fuera rico. En el mismo per?odo desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la mayor?a de los bosques tropicales fueron destruidos. Se encontro una declinaci?n dram?tica en las especies de plantas y de animales. Los antrop?logos registraron una cat?strofe global tan enorme que probablemente no sea superada a lo largo de la historia . Todav?a hay una pregunta en cuanto a la supervivencia humana m?s all? de la extensi?n global del plutonio vaporizado Chernobyl. Esto se relaciona no solamente con una etiqueta de pl?stico elemental, sino tambi?n con los efectos gen?ticos, los cuales son mucho m?s dif?ciles de comprobar. Los defectos gen?ticos, el c?ncer, la leucemia y los problemas de la fertilidad ser?n consecuencias probables. La variedad de impactos sobre el sistema inmune son tambi?n dif?ciles de predecir. Sin embargo, la industria nuclear asume con seguridad que el p?blico no asociar? la enfermedad con la contaminaci?n. Muchos contin?an diciendo que las 31 personas que murieron luchando contra el fuego en Chernobyl fueron las ?nicas v?ctimas de la radiaci?n. Hace catorce a?os, los habitantes de Ucrania, especialmente los del norte de Kiev, la capital de esta exrep?blica sovi?tica, comenzaban a vivir lo imaginable: explotaba un reactor de la planta nuclear de Chernobyl. El desastre, fruto del error humano, sucedi? tan r?pido que no hubo momento para evitarlo o correr del peligro. Las autoridades sov?ticas tardaron en reaccionar y en advertir a la poblaci?n sobre los riesgos. ECOLOG?A The most common birth-defects in animals are the absence of one or more extremities, deformation of the skull or spine, absence of eyes, overgrowth of the eyelids, lack of hair, exposed internal organs, or absence of an anus. The visits of various commissions have not yet resulted in any final conclusion or evaluation of these animal deformities. The question remains, What will happen tomorrow? GEN?TICA As a step toward an assessment of the effects of the radio-ecological situation on living creatures, Belarus scientists havestudied specimens of plants and wild animals within the contaminated zone and compared their physiology and behavior withthose on control specimens in special experimental areas outside the 30-km Zone. The genetic effects of radiation on the chromatin apparatus of plants were revealed in a study of the frequency of mitotic anomalies in the seedlings of various types of barley rye and wheat grown at an experimental station in the Khoiniki region. It was established that different strains reacted differently to radioactive contamination. The cesium-134/7 content of rye and wheat grains grown in Khoiniki was an order of magnitude higher than that of grain grown in Minsk province, while there was little difference in the case of barley. An analysis of chromosomal aberrations year by year has shown that the frequency of mitotic anomalies in plants grown in the contaminated zone in 1987 was little different from the frequency observed in ecologically clean areas. In 1988, however, in all types of plants under observation there was a noticeable rise in the frequency of chromosomal aberrations. Signs of degeneration and destruction have also been noted in the pancreas, leading to increased permeability of the blood vessels, leucocyte infiltration, changes in the vessel walls, and the abnormal growth of connective tissue. At the same time, the immune system has been significantly damaged, as is shown by a change in the number of differentiated B-lymphocytes in the bone marrow, the reduction of polyferation, the differentiation and migration of T-lymphocytes, a disequilibrium of the proportions among thymocytes, etc. Damage to the structure and function of the membranes of the lymphocytes is evident, as is damage to the peripheral hormonal action machanisms and to the system of peroxide oxidation of lipids, along with an increased level of wasteproducts in the blood and an accompanying drop in the activity of the antioxidants systems. There are marked changes in thefunction of the cell genome, etc. Conclusi?n We challenge the nuclear professionals to stand on equal ground
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Is Your Essay Writing Being Helped by a Critical Essay Sample?
Is Your Essay Writing Being Helped by a Critical Essay Sample?A critical essay sample is one of the most important documents for any student to write, and an Ela Regents Critical Essay Sample is probably the most important. There are different factors which need to be taken into consideration when writing this document. This is the first time that a student will be in front of a professor, so it is important that the essay is well written.Ela Regents has made the process of writing these essays so much easier by providing pre-written essay samples. The essays are selected from a very long list that has been provided to students by the company. This list also includes a few sample essays which have been produced by different universities. All of these are really helpful in writing your own personal essay which can show your ability in writing on any subject.The essays are not too difficult to write, and the quality is quite good as well. The essay covers some of the main topics such a s business, finance, political issues, and other related topics. It is important that the essay is well written, as it will be used by many other students during their career as well as for their personal profiles.Many people may wonder why Ela Regents provides a critical essay sample. What makes this essay sample unique is that it only deals with a very limited number of topics which will help you in your essay writing. This helps you get a better overview about the topics that you should be covering.The essay is written as if you were talking to a professor, so that you are not sure of what is being said. This means that it is important that the essay is well written. The essay is fairly long, so there is no room for mistakes. Also, the essay contains grammatical errors, which may make your professor frown upon it. The next step after the essay is written is to print it out, so that it can be given to the professor who will approve it and thus allow you to be enrolled in the schoo l of your choice. Since Ela Regents provides the essay sample online, this makes the whole process more convenient for you.So, if you are looking for some valuable information about writing an essay, then you should definitely check out an Ela Regents Critical Essay Sample. It has been known to have helped students do well in school and also help them go a long way in life. The essay samples are very helpful for helping students, because it shows them the topics which they should be focusing on while writing the essay.
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